Web3D 2012

The annual ACM Web3D Conference is one of the main venues for new networked graphics research each year. Its focus is on more integrative web technologies rather than low-level protocols, but still there is always good work on system architecture to look at.

Some of the ones that piqued our interest are (links to ACM DL coming):

Xflow – Declarative Data Processing for the Web

Klein, Felix (Saarland University, Intel VCI), Sons, Kristian (Saarland University, Intel VCI, DFKI), Byelozyorov, Sergiy (Saarland University, IMPRS-CS), Rubinstein, Dmitri (Saarland University, DFKI), Stefan John (TU Braunschweig), Slusallek, Philipp (Saarland University, Intel VCI, DFKI)

Real-time Collaborative Scientific WebGL Visualization with WebSocket (short paper)

Marion, Charles (Kitware SAS), Jomier, Julien (Kitware)

Server-Based Rendering of Large 3D Scenes for Mobile Devices Using G-Buffer Cube Maps (short paper)

Doellner, Juergen (Hasso-Plattner-Institute), Benjamin Hagedorn (Hasso-Plattner-Institute), Jan Klimke (Hasso-Plattner-Institute)

3D Revision Control Framework (shameless plug!)

Jozef Dobos (University College London, Dept. of Computer Science), Anthony, Steed (University College London)