Unimportant Corrections

p4, pa1, “software interact” should be “software interacts”.p7, “focussing on” strike “focussing”.p7, “first-class” should be “first class of”.p10, pa3, strike “there is connection”.p12, pa2 “increasing” should be “increasingly”.p13, pa1 “opennessed” should be “openness”p23, reference to (Figure 1.12) could be much earlier in this section.p28, pa3, “users looking” should be “user looking”.p30, pa1, “in some worlds” …


We’ll have a lot more to say about SecondLife in upcoming articles on this site. However, just released are new versions of  realXtend’s Naali viewer and Taiga server, which are Open Source implementations of the SecondLife server and client software. We discuss in the book that the client-server protocol for SecondLife was reverse engineered well before …

Mammoth Media

Mammoth Media have produced an interesting guide to dedicated server software for games. They argue that games developers can better serve their customers by releasing dedicated server software that customers, or 3rd parties can install. In particular, the guide suggests that allowing ISPs to provision dedicated servers can improve customer experience, and alleviate demand at the …